I’ve been wanting to redo my personal site since I tried to add my presentations to my hugo based site and struggled. Something that looked cool. Something that was interesting.
At first I started looking at static site generators and found a great site, staticgen, that lists all the possible static site generators. I thought I wanted one written in a cool language, like a lisp or Haskell, so I went down all the lisps first, and I realized my first real requirement was simple CI deployment. I like GitLab CI for it’s control, zeit now as a close second for it’s ease, and then maybe Netlify. The lisp family didn’t have anything quick to deploy and their installation stories were equally poor.
So I jumped to Hakyll, there’s an example for GitLab Pages so I got started on that. And I thought I wanted to build it with Nix and found a few brave souls who had ventured down that path. But I figured I’ll just try the example first, why not. The pipeline took 30 minutes to build, because the Haskell packages had to be installed, which would be fine, if the cache lasted longer than a week. I then realized that I didn’t really want just a static site generator, they are using these fantastic powerful programming languages to just generate static pages, just a glorified Makefile. And I didn’t want to use someone else’s theme, but I didn’t want to write my own in the generators specific formatting. It felt limiting, but I didn’t want to reinvent the wheel. I didn’t like making websites. Maybe I’m just not good at design, but I’d rather focus on the content than trying to center a div. So I thought maybe it was just javascript.
So I tried Elm. I settled on elm-pages , what finally sold me over elm-static was the introduction blog post and it insightful into the JAMstack (JavaScript, APIs, and Markup). I had used gatsby to rewrite the UTDallas Rugby Page with Tristen Even so the pieces were starting to fall together in my head about what JAMstack is about. So I got it up and running. And it sat there because I don’t elm. It looks fantastic checks all the functional buzz word bingo card spots. But my list of things to learn is taking on more water than I can bail out, and elm kept sinking to the bottom.
Fast forward a couple of weeks, to ETHDenver and I met Jeremy, a friend of a friend and one of the creators of loft.radio, a lofi hip hop radio that you can tip the artists in ETH. We we’re chatting tech, as one does at a hackathon, and he was raving about Vuejs, which he used to build loft. I had heard about it from another friend and decided to checkout after I finished my weekend with react. I had the perfect excuse to dip my toes in when I needed to build some documentation for work, and settled on VuePress. I think all documentation should be written in markdown, and then the site generated to prevent vendor lock-in. It’s been a great experience so far and has a ton of features out of the box. But like Vue, it let’s you walk into the water, rather than jump into the deep end like React. Just my personal experience.
That small brush inspired me to dust off an old side project, Multiverse. It’s my buzzword labor of love, Nextjs, Tailwindcss, Typescript, Ava, Graphql, and Stripe. I had patched into together like Frankenstein from several examples, but I got hung up between Typescript and Ava and getting it to build and test those. In a perfect storm the Vuejs documentary came out at the same time so I rewrote my tiny progress in Nuxtjs. I think this quote from the Vuejs docs section comparing it to other frameworks is my experience exactly
For many developers who have been working with HTML, templates feel more natural to read and write. The preference itself can be somewhat subjective, but if it makes the developer more productive then the benefit is objective.
I’ll just cover my experience really quick. Vue definitely takes the
developer experience as a priority and that reflects on the frameworks
created on top of it. Just give vue create hello-world
{.verbatim} or
npx create-nuxt-app <project-name>
{.verbatim} a shot and you’ll see
the difference from the blank canvas that creat-react-app
gives you. From create-nuxt-app
{.verbatim} I just had to add the
apollo-module and I
had most of my wish list taken care. In the past I had used
prisma for a quick DB with Graphql on top, but
I found they had updated their docs to offer more, but I wanted
something simpler. Enter, Hasura, one click deploy
to Heroku. A docker image for when you want to move somewhere else.
Makes thinking about the back end an after thought. I made more progress
in the past two weeks than in the past 9 months. I’m just missing
Typescript and Stripe so far, and I’m assuming Stripe will be a breeze.
Maybe I’m just not a clever enough developer for React. I love functional programming and React Hooks are just sexy and they still nearly lure me back in. But Vue gave me a new light on web development and programming languages. Vue gave me a paintbrush to finally appreciate design and the joy of making a web page come to life rather than wrangling JavaScript and never getting anywhere. I realized what the advice a language is a tool to get a job done meant. The paint from Vue may crack after a while, as apposed to the copper statue that Elm and similar languages promise. While it’s great, it won’t matter if I never make the statue because I can’t learn metallurgy at a craft store.
Tailwind Refactor
I also wanted to take this chance to explore tailwindcss. I had exactly 0 experience with CSS before this and fought with any React material design component I tried even get to agree with flexbox. I had seen tailwind from Zamansky’s ClojureScript tutorial, and Aria’s Twitter clone Catter. So I took rewriting the default Gridsome as the perfect way to get accustomed to using it, without getting caught up in the design aspects because I haven’t gotten to read Refactoring UI yet. As of 3e57e24661 I completed the rewrite.
To speak on my experience with tailwind, it really made it easy to focus on what I wanted to do, rather than how to do it. I had a friend show me webflow recently, and I think tailwind is even simpler once you get familiar with the utility-classes it provides. The original was a beautiful intricate work of CSS, that I honestly had no interest in figuring out.
The one issue I did run into was the way Gridsome just returned a
so I found the way Gridsome Portfolio
handled it’s markdown and then threw some tailwind in to deal with the
theme-switcher specific stuff and ended up with